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Let's welcome autumn!

Let's welcome autumn!

Autumn is a time of uncertain weather, first cold weather and unexpected rainfall. How do you know it is coming? Due to refreshing air, shorter evenings and multi-coloured leaves on the trees? Or after sneezing, sore throat, coughing and red eyes? The choice is yours! Even on cool, windy days you can enjoy fitness and health. Enjoy the flashes of summer and walks among the golden leaves. Just stick to a few rules to take care of immunity - yours and your loved ones.

A proper diet is the key

You probably know that what we eat translates into our susceptibility to infection. In autumn, avoid processed food like fire. Provide your body with as many green calories as possible. Vegetables, fruits and fish give you essential vitamins and minerals to support your immunity. Supplement your diet with preparations that care for the immune system.

We especially recommend Collacein - a dietary supplement consisting of three protein substances, each of them is a natural and extremely important immune factor of the human body and a symbiotic set of live bacterial cultures.

Complete the supplementation with high-quality cold-water fish oil concentrate, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vegetable oil having an outstanding quality in the form of Omega Complex. Autumn melancholy? There is advice for that too! A good proportion of Omega acids in the body improves blood supply to the brain and improves the transmission of nerve signals.

To welcome autumn we have prepared for you sets with supplements supporting the immune system at great prices!

Up to 25% less! 

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Sport and outdoor activities

Aura is not good for the outdoor activity? Unfortunately, lack of exercise is not helping your immunity! Daily walks, morning jogging or outdoor yoga even on cool mornings and evenings will make you feel great, your body will be oxygenated and the level of immunity will increase. The ColamiD dietary supplement will not only supplement your diet with Vitamin D3 and K2, but also will take care of the locomotor system thanks to the content of amino acids and minerals.

Regular and correct hand washing

Did you know that one of the most effective methods for preventing colds is to wash your hands frequently? Especially if you are in public places, you travel by public transport (what we urge - be eco!), work in an office, often go for walks or have contact with patients. Wash your hands as often as possible, not just before meals and after leaving the bathroom. Use hand soap with the collagen, and after washing - a new Nourishing hand cream. 

Regardless of whether you love autumn or miss summer - we wish you a lot of health on cooler days!

Check our Promotions tab! 


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