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Baby Wash Gel -  we are changing the type of dispenser

Baby Wash Gel - we are changing the type of dispenser

We rush to you with important information! Moving towards better and better…, we've decided to limit the amount of plastic and metal in the packaging of Baby Wash Gel, and thus we are changing the type of dispenser. Soon the pump you know well will be replaced with a disc-top dispenser.


Is there a formula for love?

Is there a formula for love?

Can you define what love is or even enclose it in the form of a chemical formula? Scientists cannot give up on this matter. The sociologist Gerhard Crombach, PhD from Germany tried to do it, proving that phenylethylamine PEA, known as C8H11N, is responsible for love, or the process of falling in love. Scientists say that it works like a love drug, because it causes our heart to beat faster, squeezing of the stomach, we do not feel tired or hungry. Do you know this condition?


Happy Kids 2021

Happy Kids 2021

The lack of entertainment and games takes its toll on children. It's a fact! That is why we’ve decided to tell you what to do and where to go with your children so that you do not get bored. Maybe one of our proposals will appeal to you
